Florida Divorce lawyer - Beller Law, P.L.Things change as life goes on. From the expected (such as childbirth) to the unexpected (such as suffering a terminal illness), individuals and married couples face changes throughout their lives that impact them in ways they could not have previously imagined.

In many cases, these changes – both expected and unexpected – carry significant burdens. For some spouses, these burdens can be too much to bear. The following are all examples of major life changes that frequently lead to divorce:

Common Life Changes Leading to Divorce

1. Loss of a Job

Loss of a much-needed source of income can put significant strain on any family. When spouses are forced to focus on money problems instead of fostering and growing their relationship, the end result can often be divorce. According to a study conducted at the Ohio State University, the husband’s loss of a job is more likely than the wife’s to lead to the end of a couple’s marriage.

2. Childbirth

While the birth of your child is supposed to be one of the happiest days of your life, what follows is often a level of stress that, for some couples, is too much to bear. Even couples that carefully plan ahead – they get their finances in order, arrange for necessary childcare, and agree on roles and responsibilities – find themselves falling apart both as individuals and as partners. In these situations, one or both spouses may decide to file for divorce.

3. Infidelity

While infidelity is not necessarily an automatic trigger for divorce, it does in many cases ultimately signal the beginning of the end. If the recent Ashley Madison data hack tells us anything, it is that infidelity rates seem to be clearly linked to rates of divorce. Oftentimes, both spouses will want to end their marriage following an incident of cheating.

4. Severe Illness or Trauma

When one spouse suffers a severe illness, the changes that follow can put significant strain on the couple’s marriage. The same holds true when one or both spouses experience a traumatic event, such as a severe car accident or loss of a child. In these situations, the unexpected stresses of caregiving and coping can lead to distancing, dissatisfaction, and eventually the decision to part ways.

5. Empty Nest Syndrome

Once a couple’s children leave the house, spouses who have neglected their relationship or let issues linger can often find themselves wanting something more. While many empty-nesters thrive in their newfound freedom, many more struggle with the decision of whether to stay together or file for divorce.

Are You Considering a Divorce in the Jacksonville, FL Area?

If you are considering filing for divorce because of something that happened, or if you are expecting your husband or wife to file, at Beller Law, P.L., we can help you understand your options and legal rights. To schedule a confidential consultation, please contact us today.